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   My career as a photographer in Columbus has spanned over four decades. It has afforded me opportunities to see and experience a vast array of all that life has to offer.  I have photographed from helicopters, been in coal mines, met many celebrities and titans of business. I have seen a human heart go from still to beating - up close. I have shot tens of thousands of portraits and headshots. I have photographed the interiors of showcase homes and met a master Etch-A-Sketch artist. I have witnessed lasers cut through steel like butter.


   When I began in this business, film was the gold standard in quality - digital photography did not exist.  I was an early adopter of the newly emerging digital technologies and have never looked back. In the world of advertising photography, speed and flexibility are crucial to meeting deadlines and satisfying my clients' clients. The ready availability of these technologies allowed me to pursue graphic design and video production and I found I have an equal passion for these endeavors.

   When I am not taking photos for others, I continue shooting artistic images for myself. It is an obsession. My portfolio is a glimpse of the world through my eyes, and I hope you can find something that is relatable and brings you joy.

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